Discipline Policy

Create a positive “yes” environment for children by ensuring that our guidance is developmentally and age-appropriate and focused on promoting positive behaviors

At Adventures in Learning, you can expect that we WILL:

  • Create a positive “yes” environment for children by ensuring that our guidance is developmentally and age-appropriate and focused on promoting positive behaviors
  • Use a respectful tone when speaking to children and our language is used to praise, encourage and explain and to provide appropriate words to help children solve conflict and express their emotions.
  • Model appropriate behavior for children and provide opportunities for child choice, decisions making and problem-solving. We provide alternatives and redirect children to appropriate behaviors.

At Adventures in Learning, you can expect that we will NOT:

  •  Use an inappropriate tone or language to shame, humiliate, threaten or intimidate children. We refrain from name-calling labeling.
  • Use corporal punishment or any physical contact as a means of showing disapproval or punishment. (This would include but it is not limited to spanking, pushing, pulling, pinching, biting, grabbing forcefully and sitting or standing facing a wall.)
  • Use food as a reward or punishment is any way, not will we force or withhold sleep.
  • Withhold or force physical activity.